Vaseline the secret weapon of any fragrance lover

Perfume is a luxury item that can make us feel confident and attractive. However, with the high cost of fragrances, it can be frustrating when the scent fades quickly. Luckily, there is a simple solution to extend the longevity of your perfume: Vaseline. In this blog, we will discuss how to use Vaseline to prolong perfume longevity.

What is Vaseline?

Vaseline is a brand of petroleum jelly that is often used as a moisturizer for dry skin. It is made from a mixture of mineral oils and waxes and has been used for over a century to treat various skin conditions.

How to Use Vaseline to Prolong Perfume Longevity

Using Vaseline to extend the longevity of your perfume is easy. Here are the steps:

  1. Apply a small amount of Vaseline to your pulse points. These are areas of the body where the blood vessels are closest to the surface of the skin, such as the wrists, neck, and behind the ears.

  2. Wait a few minutes for the Vaseline to absorb into your skin. This will create a barrier between your skin and the perfume.

  3. Apply your perfume as you normally would, directly on top of the Vaseline. The Vaseline will help to hold the fragrance on your skin, extending its longevity.

Tips for Using Vaseline to Prolong Perfume Longevity

Here are some additional tips for using Vaseline to prolong perfume longevity:

  1. Use a small amount of Vaseline. You do not need a lot of Vaseline to create a barrier on your skin. A small amount will suffice.

  2. Use a fragrance-free Vaseline. You do not want the scent of the Vaseline to overpower your perfume. Use a fragrance-free version to avoid any unwanted scents.

  3. Experiment with different pulse points. While the wrists, neck, and behind the ears are common pulse points, you can also try applying Vaseline to other areas of your body, such as the elbows or ankles.

  4. Reapply as necessary. Depending on the strength of your perfume and your body chemistry, you may need to reapply the Vaseline and perfume throughout the day.


Using Vaseline to extend the longevity of your perfume is a simple and cost-effective solution. By creating a barrier between your skin and the perfume, you can help to hold the fragrance on your skin for a longer period of time. With these tips, you can enjoy your favorite fragrance all day long without worrying about it fading away.

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